Home Remodelling – Latest Roofing Trends In 2015


When we generally talk about the technological advancement, we don’t really talk about roofing technology until one remodels their own home or property. As of the survey in recent times by certain organisation, approximately 90% people love exploring nature when they get spare time from their profession. Roofing industry therefore has come to understand importance of making green building material and has upgraded the residential architecture keeping nature in mind. The major factors for today’s homeowner re-decorating & upgrading their homes are that they come from baby boomer generation unlike the previous ones. Latest roofing trends in 2015 is being driven by this generation. Beside this generation gap the other major reason for the trends are durability of roof, capacity of withstanding water and heat, disasters protection and energy saving techniques. So we would like to share some of the trends that have been developed in roofing industry in the recent past.

Safety From Fire

The typical eighteen-century textile mills were with strong brick walls lay on wooden joists supported by timber beams. Several of the mills were completely destroyed by the fire because of the oil dripping of the machinery and presence of cotton and other textile material. Roof structure was also inflammable and caught fire easily. A roof is the most vulnerable part of a structure, since embers can be blown onto the roof well before a fire reaches the immediate area. A fire-resistant or fire-proof roof gives the structure a better chance to survive a fire. Because of the latest trends & technologies in fireplace coatings many options are available to increase protection like metal, slate and tile. Some brands of roofing have begun experimenting with technology to stint the spread of flames, including volcanic rock.

Colour-Grey and Other Warm Neutrals

The grey in this year is trending and people are opting for certain gray colour palette for sophisticated look. Other focused colours are warm neutrals and deep greens because of the reflection property like earthy material. To select the proper colour scheme of the roofing your location is the major factor which professionals consider. Choosing something other than these colors might be a bit risky and go against timeless investment.

Curves, Arches & Popular Building Materials

Roofing styles and curves provide architectural finishing to your property. So the roofing professionals and architects are experimenting with the different ideas to providing unique look to one’s home or building. Materials like asphalt, cedar shakes, shingles and roofing tiles are trending in this year.

Cool Roof Technologies

It is a mere reflective coating or material that allows the roof of a building to reflect more heat from the sun back into the environment as opposed to absorbing it. Till now it is being trending because of its benefits like less energy requirement for cooling, improved thermal comfort, increased system lifespan, reduced electricity demand.

Everything is heading into the next step and the advancement in construction industry including roofing industry is related to energy efficiency and sustainability. Keeping safety, energy, efficiency, durability the roofing technology is advancing to the next level.